Friends of Maghull and District CIC
Woodend Community Woodland Project2023-01-17T17:45:37+00:00

Woodend Community Woodland Project

The mission of this project is to reinvigorate an historic woodland entrance to Maghull, with a welcoming, accessible, iconic and engaging wildlife-friendly space, focusing on enhancing the environment, history, community, legacy.

What we’ll deliver:

  • Pathway
  • Wildlife Friendly Hedging
  • Hedge Rail
  • Wisteria Arched Tunnel
  • Banqueting Table & Chairs
  • Native Tree Whips
  • Seven Mature Trees
  • Border Planting
  • Noticeboard
  • Rustic Welcome Sign

Why it’s a great idea:

Historically, this area of Maghull represented the edge of a mediaeval 2×5 mile wood and still has local names such as Woodend, Broadwood, Larchwood. The whole area locally and beyond was owned by a Saxon named Uctred (refenced in the Domesday Book). The local River Alt was also well-known for its use by Vikings.

The history and legacy will not only be provided in terms of the iconic natural structures, but the noticeboards will help to promote, contextualise and celebrate the rich history.

The rustic welcome board, potential Saxon warrior sculpture, Saxon themed banqueting table and history noticeboard will provide a legacy and help to promote, contextualise educate and celebrate the rich history. Environmentally, the wildlife friendly hedging & protective open fencing will provide: habitat & food for wildlife, a beautiful safe barrier to prevent children & pets directly accessing the roads, provide a barrier to noise, capture 60% of the potential pollution, provide evidence.

Steps to get it done:

  • Mixed Wildlife Friendly Hedging perimeter to be obtained, planted in November, with support of Tree Counci
  • Birdsmouth Fencing Rail perimeter, puchase and install, in November.
  • Cotswold Grit Path, purchase materials & hire machinery, liase with in kind gardeners
  • Underplant Current Trees with whips, and fence, provided and supported by Northern Forrest, November.
  • Seven Mature Trees, obtain and plant in November
  • Noticeboard, obtain, install, populate, from MTC, by 2020.
  • Potential Loan of 15 ft Saxon Warrior 2020, if unable then crowdfund* wooden alternative 2021.
  • Rustic Welcome Sign (wish list) 2020/21*
  • Banqueting Table (wish list) 2020/21*
  • Wisteria Arch Tunnel (wish list) 2020/21*
  • Populate first plant border (wish list) 2020/21*
  • Create Friends of Woodend Group November 2020.
  • Obtain 2 litter bins and a recycle sculpture by 2020 from MCT.
  • Negotiate Hedging Research between two interested parties Sefton MBC and Tree Council, pre November.
  • Submit Hedging Grant application pre May.

Environmentally Continued:
• Essential Path for accessible connected journey to various destinations and future community developments.
• Iconic sensory wisteria arch tunnel.
• The under-planting of the current trees during – Maghull tree dig (planting thousands of trees in 7 parks), National Tree Week, World Climate Conf, Sefton Culture Year, in November.

Community involvement:
neighbouring nursery, primary schools, a high school, adult community groups, Town Council, local hospital gardeners and potential RHS and Kew Gardens child mentorship. Also part of a Council lottery funded community project for school and community adoption project.

• Banqueting table for fun community hub.
• Pathway to support imaginative current & future community borders.
• Create community group that will provide multiple benefits.
• Create iconic natural welcome gateway to Merseyside close to its busiest access route.


Our Journey so far

203, 2020

The launch of our crowdfunding appeal for the Maghull Woodland Project, commences with a children’s easter art competition prizes & announcements on BBC Radio Merseyside, Maghull Community Radio and local Facebook pages.

  Well done to the winners of each age section

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