A huge thank you for all the wonderful online donations this month and the accumulated cash donations over the last three months that we collected today, amounting to £123, from Dover Road: Graham Cleggs Funeral Services (£20), and collection containers at the Post Office (£34), The Chippy (£6), The Blue Star (£22) and Morrisons (£41).
We are also enormously grateful, this month, to the previously mentioned donors who include, Tinto Coffee Shop (£500), Idverde (£250), Sefton Council (£2500) which means we are 68% towards our target fund with £7500 further to go. We have also received two significant in-kind offers from large companies that we are exploring. The Scout movement in Maghull has kindly agreed to help with the tree planting in National tree week (November 2020). Whilst Green Sefton are also exploring the provision of some mature trees in November as part of their post highways construction work in the local traffic junction. Last week we also had the opportunity to meet with a Sefton Highways officer and Green Sefton officer to discuss various issues following the work on the neighbouring junction and were able to obtain assurances regarding green improvements on both sides of Northway following the loss of so much vegetation and trees during the construction work. We have also been given opportunities to remove various shrubs and trees from the proposed Aldi site, to be utilised in Bobby’s Wood and another park. Whilst the large black damaged litter bin will be replaced and stabilised.
Media wise we were fortunate to be on the front page of the local Aintree and Maghull Champion newspaper, to belatedly announce our April crowdfunding launch, in their second printed version since their return from lockdown, Frank also appeared on a 40 minute pre-recorded telephone interview with Dave Hughes on the Maghull Community Radio Show.
This month, we are hoping to install, two large poster boards on site, two MTC litter bins, a scarecrow for the Lydiate and Maghull Scarecrow Festival and undertake a MTC survey pertaining to various aspects of our proposals and invite volunteers to form a Friends of Bobby’s Wood Group. We will continue to explore funding options, at this difficult time, in the form of grants and donations from large companies this month.
Many thanks for all your brilliant help and please partake in the survey when it is announced and spread the word of the project.
Pictured from Sefton Council Dwain Johnson (Chief Executive, first left) and Jayne Vincent (Consultation and Engagement Lead, Business Intelligence & Performance, second from right) at a Sefton Crowd event. – Very Grateful..