On several planting days between January and March 2022 at Pimbley Field, local volunteers organised by Friends of Maghull & District planted:
(1) A new 186m mixed wildlife friendly hedge comprising of 930 Hawthorne, Hazel, silver birch, Rowen, and common oak tree whips bordering Fieldway and Bridge Road on Pimbley Field,
(2) A rewilding area utilising 940 surplus grey willow and dog rose tree whips under a tree canopy on the canal embankment bordering Pimbley Field.
(3) and cleared a small triangle of land on the towpath entrance to Pimbley Field with a view of planting surplus tree whips, pending the long-awaited (January 2022) permission from the Canals and Rivers Trust,
(4) Whilst complementing last year’s planting of two fenced copses comprising of 600 trees to improve the canal embankment and the galvanised the railway fence on two sides of the field.
(5) We have also secured external funding from Northern Forest to plant 13 standard blossom trees on the perimeter in October 2022.

The grand total now amounts to 2470 trees at Pimbley Field! Thank you to everyone who has made this amazing achievement possible over the last year. Your support has enabled FOMD to surpass its 4,500 Maghull trees target between January and March 2022, to reach 5,340 Trees. Combined with last year’s planting, our community has achieved a grand total of 14,224 trees planted to improve our environment and support climate action.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to:
• The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) and the Woodland Trust for the hundreds of free trees.
• Mersey Forest/Northern Forest, particularly Ben Greenaway for endless support, advice, free trees and grants for last year and for the standard trees next October.
• FOMD volunteers: many of these extraordinarily kind hearted people often donate their spare time alongside full-time jobs or if they are retired they often have several other charitable works they have to accommodate, ranging from other environmental work to working in food banks etc.
• MTC for their amazing support and continued high standard maintenance.
• The kind support from countless neighbours and passers-by.

The outstanding future work includes:
• Obtaining and spreading further wood chippings to act as an attractive weed suppressant and mulch.
• Planting 13 medium standard blossom trees at the beginning of the next planting season in October 2022.
• MTC plan to replace some broken fencing and paint all the access gates in 2022.
• We have received two virtual Queen’s Green Canopy plaques (pictured) for the planting here which MTC are considering obtaining physical plaques.

If you would like to help or receive updates about some exciting plans in the pipeline for later in the year, please contact us at: admin@fomd.co.uk