After planting 250 trees at Moss Side Cricket club on Park Lane, Maghull, in December¹, we finished the job off today (8.2.21) by installing the 500 canes and spirals to support the trees, before the sun went down and the forecasted snow showers began.

Many thanks to Ben at Mersey Forest for the trees, spirals, canes and the hard work by Richie and Andy (MS Cricket Club) in supporting the Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) with its completion.

This planting is part of a larger project to plant over 4000 trees in Maghull² before the end of the tree planting season in March, supported by FOMD, Maghull Town Council and Mersey Forest.

In the meantime, have you got any plants/shrubs that you would like to donate to our Woodend Project, to plant up a huge border (50x4m)? If so, please contact us at Many Thanks, FOMD ¹…/permalink/781487769245945 ²…/permalink/775302356531153 ²…/permalink/636772660384124 ²…/154530…/permalink/623664