On Wednesday, at Woodend, the King’s representatives – Lord Lt of Merseyside Mark Blundell and his deputy John Roberts, presented The Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) with one of the 350 native trees (a Rowan) that formed part of the late Queens Green Canopy Platinum Jubilee’s huge art installation entitled ‘Tree of Trees’ from Buckingham Palace.

Hudson primary school

Bumbles Nursery

St George’s Primary School
The presentation was a recognition of the 15,000 trees which have been planted recently in Maghull, of which 7000 were registered on the Green Canopy map. FOMD continue to organise this planting initiative in response to the climate emergency and to make our town a greener and healthier place to live despite so many green spaces being devoured for housing and hundreds of mature trees being felled due to disease.

Left: deputy Lord-Lieutenant John Roberts and Lord-Lieutenant Mark Blundell. Right: deputy mayor Ken Hughes and his consort.

The pot with the late Queen’s cypher
However, in the last planting season FOMD wanted to recognise the huge part played by St Georges and Hudson primary schools and the neighbouring Bumbles Children’s Nursery for the planting of many of the trees in their school grounds and elsewhere, particularly in the form of perimeter wildlife friendly hedging which not only has an impact on the health of the school but also the neighbouring community in terms of wellness and reduced pollution.

Many thanks Father Christmas (Bernard from the Rotary)

Mari Hemsley (R. Morrison’s Manager. Huge thanks for Santa’s free presents.
The 70 children and the 30 amazing volunteers braved the freezing conditions, various speeches and sang two carol songs as a thank you to the lieutenancy. Their singing and good deeds were so brilliant that Father Christmas (Rotary) made a jaw-dropping surprise appearance and gave out Haribo, crisps, drinks (donated by Morrisons) and chocolate oranges (donated by Maghull Town Council).
It was an incredible honour for Maghull and a magical experience for everyone who attended, despite taking three hours to thaw out afterwards!
Merry Christmas,

(L) Ben from Mersey Forest whom we owe a huge debt of gratitude for the amount of trees and advice he has supplied over the last two years, next to the Royal Rowan. (R) Frank (FOMD)