The Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) have planted nearly 15,000 trees in Maghull over the last year, half of which have been recorded on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Green Canopy map ( resulting in a praiseworthy visit from the Queen’s local representative.

HH John Roberts DL (Queen’s Green Canopy Project Lead from The Merseyside Lieutenancy and retired QC) said, “In the course of undertaking Queens Green canopy task I have noticed with much joy the entries that are regularly appearing on the electronic map setting out details of the plantings undertaken by your community. I write to thank and congratulate you on what you have done. Brilliant and a great example to all”.

HH Roberts visited Maghull and received a whistle stop tour of the multiple planting sites (mainly schools and parks), three FOMD Projects and completed the tour with a heart-warming visit to Hudson Primary School (pictured), who had contributed by planting an inspiring 1500 trees with the support of FOMD and Mersey Forest.

Niki Craddock (Head Teacher, Hudson Primary School) said, “I can’t believe how much it has changed. We are all amazed at the transformation and would like to say a huge thank you to you all for the hard work and efforts you have put into revitalising Hudson. Throughout the start of this project so much work and thought went into planning and seeking support all to make our site the best it can be. On behalf of Hudson I thank you all wholeheartedly”

Dr Frank Sharp (FOMD CIC Director) said, “We were surprised and honoured to meet John, who was incredibly warm, friendly and very generous with his praise to everyone he met. He really encouraged everyone to realise the significance of their contribution to this immense and ongoing achievement. In a similar vein, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone that has contributed, as FOMD is only a small group and without the tremendous support of so many people from the community none of this would be possible. Your support has enabled us all to respond to the climate emergency, increase biodiversity, reduce pollution, improve wellness, and make Maghull a better place to live”.

Champion article: 

In the meantime, if you are interested in giving any time in the future, please contact us at our new email address for more information.

All the Best,

