Thank you very much to Mike Stock (MJS Director) for meeting at Bobby’s Wood on 19.8.20. Mike has very generously agreed to pay for the commission of this beautiful rustic sign (not Kier as previously reported) (similar to the picture). Mike is paying approximately £500 with any underspend being donated to Gorse Hill Nature Reserve.

The sign was inspired by Gorse Hill Nature Reserve who provided a huge amount of background information regarding the sign. Derek Atkins (the owner of Gorse Hill nature reserve) does not normally undertake private work of this nature, at 92 years young, but made an exception because he had many fond and really interesting memories of his childhood in this wood and the local area. I had the real pleasure of talking to Derek for several hours recently and feel privileged that his work will be ingrained with so much of his personality. Derek if hoping to have the sign completed in the next two months. The reserve is only 10 minutes from Maghull and definitely worth a visit especially with children who want to learn about nature. We are hoping to emulate many the captivating child friendly eco educational elements at Woodend, over time. Mike Stock Director T: 0151 306 1246 MJS Joinery ltd Unit 2 Pride Point Ashcroft Road Knowsley Industrial Estate Liverpool L33 7TW Gorse Hill Nature Reserve Holly Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk L39 7HB 07761212636
