The Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD CIC) have been charity partners with the Maghull Co-op, over the last year, along with two other good causes (The Roy Evans Foundation and the 3rd Sefton East Scout group) with all three of us receiving approximately £1500 each.

We are incredibly indebted to the Co-op for selecting FOMD, and of course the staff and kind-hearted customers, who paid a pound to become a Coop member, selected our Woodend Community Woodland Project cause, and when they bought Co-op products, they personally received 2p in every pound and the Co-op matched this by giving 2p to FOMD. Literally, every penny has countered!

We will plough the money into the Woodend Community Woodland Project (Bobby’s Wood at the junction of Liverpool Road South and Northway) with regular updates available at and our FOMD website which is available but still under construction at

If you would like to continue helping to make a difference to our environment with our next Co-op Cause, please become a member in the store or online, choose our cause, and at no cost to yourself you will receive 2p for every pound and the Co-op will match this by giving our next ‘Cause’ 2p between October 2022 and October 2023. Please remember that if you chose our cause this year you will need to go online and change it to our latest exciting cause.

A huge thank you to one and all, and particularly to the Co-op for choosing us for another year for our next environmental project.

Many Best Wishes,


PS More Thanks: We would like to take this opportunity to belatedly thank (1) John from Aintree for the huge birch tree he donated from his garden which we have planted in Parkbourn Square to replace a massive weeping birch tree that was completely blown over in last winter’s storms, and (2) Val and Chris from Green Lane who donated countless sandstone rocks and even found another one lately that we gladly inserted into the border at Woodend and a large one behind the rhinoceros on Stafford Moreton Way. In addition, we are also grateful to the MTC maintenance team and Cllr Ken Hughes and his son and outgoing Cllr Tom Hughes, for transporting the heavy rocks to their respective sites.