Last Thursday (20.1.22) the Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD) organised the planting of 320 trees at Hudson Primary School with the support of the schoolchildren, teachers, FOMD volunteers, Mersey Forest and were pleasantly surprised to be joined by the Mayor of Sefton – Cllr Clare Carragher who is a local resident whose children attend the school.

Niki Craddock (Headteacher) said: “We recently had a new car park installed requiring lots of landscaping, so when we were approached by FOMD and Ben Greenaway (Mersey Forest); to create a 159m mixed wildlife friendly hedge along the whole front perimeter of the school, twinned with woodland planting, building on our previous forestry school initiatives, we were absolutely delighted. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves with introductions and support from Dr Dave Armson (Mersey Forest) and the generous volunteers from FOMD”.

Mayor Clare Carragher said, This area of Maghull has not received a great deal of green investment for many years so this tree planting in the heart of the community alongside FOMD’s other local planting initiatives at St Georges Primary School, Pimbley Field and Hall Lane Park will make a huge difference to the community and the climate action agenda”

Dr Frank Sharp (FOMD CIC Co-Director) said: “We are enormously grateful to all the amazing volunteers who have given their time and also to ‘The Conservation Volunteers’ organisation provided the trees for free as part of their ‘I Dig Trees’ national initiative to plant 2 million trees. TCV are also encouraging us to register these trees as part of ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ campaign to commemorate the Queens Platinum anniversary, and receive a commemorative plaque. Our local tree planting is part of a large Maghull project to plant 4,084 trees, emulating last year’s successful local planting of 8,800 trees. To date we have planted 2,650”. If you would like to help the group’s tree planting project email woodendcwp@gmail.