This has been another absolutely incredible month in terms of the supportive donations and physical progress, leaving only £554 to achieve before the end of the month to achieve our grand total. Of course, any over funding would be fantastic as this would go towards the approximate £3000 we will require to stock the huge border at the rear of the site.

Crowdfunding Update. Our funding target has now risen from last month’s 95% to 97%, leaving a tantalising 3% (£554) to achieve our target, to provide a safe perimeter hedge & rail and an accessible Cotswold path. Should we be fortunate enough to have any excess funding at this stage it will support border planting costed at £3200. A huge thank you for all the wonderful online donations this month and the cash donations over the last months that we collected today, amounting to £41, from Dover Road collection containers at the Post Office (£10), The Chippy (£2), The Blue Star (£11), Morrisons (£18) and Richard (£20), Graham (£10), Stephen (£50), Ann (£20), Lewis (£10).

We are also enormously grateful, this month, to the previously mentioned donors who include: Morrisons (£100 plus £57 from their collection containers), idverde (second £250) and Maghull Town Council for installing two MTC litter bins (£1000), moving and straightening the road sign, cutting and weed spraying the huge border, and paying for two advertising posters (£95) (with a charity discount from ADM).

Over the Next Month (October) we will be: (1) continuing to focus on the crowdfunding to firstly reach our target and if we are lucky to over fund prior to its completion on the 27.10.20, (2) exploring with Green Sefton their green improvements to the completed neighbouring junction, their promise of trees, and the possibility of two benches, (3) installing two small advertising boards (4) exploring with a professor in ecology the ground work for collaborative research on the reduction of vehicle pollution by hedges, (5) potentially installing a rustic sign (6) installing the wooden perimeter knee high rail (including 2 feet of perimeter turf removal in preparation for hedging in November), and (7) planning Maghull’s Big 8,000 Trees Dig and hedge laying course (8) possibly a couple of feature rocks may be donated.

Finally, we will continue to explore funding options, at this difficult time, in the form of grants and donations from large companies this month. Many thanks once again for all your brilliant help and please continue to spread the word about the project.