The hedge will create safety for children and pets, habitat and food for wildlife, reducing noise and vehicle pollution by 60% (including pioneering research), and simply making the area a more natural beautiful space.

20,000 vehicles (increasing dramatically with proposed increases in the town’s population and post Brexit traffic to the docks) travel daily through the recently refurbished junction at Northway and Liverpool Road South, where Woodend is situated. Consequently, Woodend has importantly become the lungs of the area.

The Tree Council charity has provisionally agreed to pay 80% of the cost of providing trees for the whole perimeter in November 2020 and are negotiating with Sefton Council’s Environmental Department, to undertake scientific research on the site, to improve the evidence base that indicates that hedges can reduce vehicle pollution by 60%.

Our Vision is to reinvigorate an historic woodland entrance to Maghull, with a welcoming, accessible, iconic and engaging wildlife friendly space, focusing on enhancing the environment, history, community, legacy and economy.

Our Ambition between April and October 2020, is to target our crowdfunding to create firstly (alongside our previously posted path) a Mixed Wildlife Friendly Hedging (230m, 1150 plants) to surround 360° of the site. In addition, to protect the hedging and perimeter we aim to install 92m of bird’s mouth wooden rail fencing (see map and pictures). The benefits of the hedge and fencing include:

  • Fencing will protection the wildlife friendly hedging
  • Providing habitat and food for wildlife,
  • Providing a safe perimeter to prevent pets and children accessing the bordering roads
  • 60% reduction in vehicle pollution.
  • Reducing noise pollution.
  • Providing a beautiful aesthetic.
  • Research collaboration between the Sefton Council Environmental Department and the Tree Council’s Science & Research Department is being negotiated to monitor the effectiveness of the hedges in reducing vehicle pollution to build on the current evidence base.

With your support we need to crowdfund £4500 to pay the protective fencing and £120 for the remaining costs of the hedging. We then need the support of the community for the ‘big planting dig’ in National Tree Week in November 2020.

Future posts will explain further ambitions concerning the project.

Please help to support this ambitious project to make a difference to the where we live by donating online at or in cash at Morrisons or Dover Road Post Office. Every little bit really does help. More information can be found online with regular updates or alternatively contact us at
