A family of reindeer have taken up residence in Bobby’s Wood/Woodend (junction of Liverpool Road South and Northway) (project info 3,4).

The Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD) organised a Christmas display which included a giant straw bale Father Christmas (straw from Andrew Houghton), wooden reindeer family and a Christmas postbox (both made by Craig Lawson), and supported by MTC.

They were originally intended for Bobby’s Wood but we thought they could be seen by the whole community whilst being enjoyed by St George’s Primary School and artistically painted by one of their amazing teachers (Teresa Mawtus), over the Christmas period (1). Then following the Christmas festivities the reindeer would help to further enhance the community border at the rear of Bobby’s Wood and enchant the neighbouring Bumbles Nursery children. Whilst settling the reindeer in their new home, we noticed that many of the 2500 daffodil bulbs that were planted by the local Scouts (2), have started making appearance alongside the path of the rear border.

If visiting, please keep to the path, as the reindeer are still very timid.

(1) https://www.facebook.com/groups/154530851941643/search/?q=%E2%80%98Merry%20Christmas%E2%80%99%20Maghull%3A%20Father%20Christmas%20%26%20His%20Reindeer%20Have%20Landed%20at%20a%20Local%20Primary%20School!

(2) https://www.facebook.com/groups/154530851941643/search/?q=Scouts%20Plant%202%2C500%20Bulbs%20For%20Town%E2%80%99s%20Eco-Project

(3) www.spacehive.com/woodend

(4) www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/woodend

PS *If you are interested in helping the planet and improving the local environment we would welcome any time you can spare to help with some hedge tree planting this month at St Georges and Hudson Primary Schools. You can register an interest for our local tree planting at woodendcwp@gmail.com and more information at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/154530851941643/search/?q=Maghull%20Tree%20planting%20Update%20%26%20Thanks%3A%20Pimbley%20Field. *Wheelbarrow Wanted: Has anybody got a redundant metal wheelbarrow which is needed for community art project.