AN AMBITIOUS environmental crowdfunding campaign has been launched to improve Woodend/Bobby’s Wood in Maghull. Following their successful Stafford Morton Way Wildflower Project, the Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD) with the help of Maghull Town Council are seeking Champion re a d e r s ’support for their next project at the junction of Northway and Liverpool Road South.

Frank Sharp from the Friends said: “We still have a few loose ends to tie up, which include our postponed wildflower turf, noticeboard, and recycling rhinoceros sculpture but the first project went amazingly well.

“Our next vision is to reinvigorate the historic woodland entrance to Maghull, with a welcoming, accessible, iconic and engaging wildlife friendly space, focusing on enhancing the environment, history, community, legacy and economy.

“Our ambition, from now until October, is to target our crowdfunding to create firstly an ‘accessible pathway’ to join together various destinations that will include the following: community led designed and managed planted borders; under-planting the current trees with hundreds of free Mersey Forest donated tree whips and bulbs; a six metre Saxon banqueting table and benches near Bumbles Nursery to act as a fun picnic table and community hub; wisteria arched tunnel; signage to welcome and inform regarding the rich history and the potential loan of a 15 foot Saxon warrior sculpture.

“The second target is to create ‘Mixed Wildlife Friendly Hedging’ of around 1,150 plants to surround 360° of the site. In addition, to protect the hedging and perimeter we aim to install 92metres of bird’s mouth wooden rail fencing. “We started crowdfunding in April and have until late October to achieve our funding target or we will receive nothing.

“We have achieved 57% of our target with some remarkable in-kind offers and donations, which is an incredible testament to the generosity of the Maghull community. “We now have £10,340 to achieve in 144 days and would welcome your support online at or cash donations at Morrisons, Dover Road – Post Office, The Chippy, Blue Star and Tinto Coffee Shop.”