On the 1.9.21 ‘Cllrs Paula Murphy and Marion Atkinson, along with Danny Burns, Chair of Molyneux Labour Party, were on hand to receive delivery of three planters for Northway. Funding secured by Labour Councillors has helped to brighten up the area that sits diagonally opposite the recently transformed Bobby’s Wood. All of them were on hand to plant up the planters along with local residents who requested the planters in the first instance’. (Full story: https://www.champnews.com/papers/pdf/SS3521.pdf#page=5 )

However, this week, we are delighted and grateful to announce, that they have donated £50 to local residents to purchase & maintain further seasonal plants for the planters and £250 to the FOMD environmental crowdfund to pay for woodland theme plants in the huge 50×4 border in Bobby’s Wood/Woodend (junction of Liverpool Road South/Northway). If you would like to help?

We are doing some final weeding tomorrow Saturday between 10–12 to prepare for the planting of our year-long crowdfunded plants. If you are interested we would love to see you. You can simply turn up or if you have any questions or wish to confirm the event, please contact us through woodendcwp@gmail.com or phone Phil Dillon (MTC Community Services Manager) on 01514778609. Please bring everything you will need for a fresh air weeding extravaganza e.g. boots, gloves, garden fork, something to put the weeds in. If you can’t make it please contact Phil, to register your interest, as we hope to have lots of future planting events from bulbs to trees to improve where we live.

New Appeal for Plants. We have started our winter plant donation appeal this week, for woodland themed plants e.g. rhododendrons, azaleas, ferns, heathers, Hollies etc. You donated an incredible 200+ last year which look incredible in the huge 50×4 border. If you can help please contact us woodendcwp@gmail.com

Last chance for online cash donations to buy new plants expires at the end of October: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/woodend

Looking forward to seeing you.

Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD)