Miraculously at short notice you rose to the challenge and help plant 215 donated trees from Mersey Forest to replace the trees we lost in the two tree enclosures at Old Hall Park where we previously planted 1015 trees, in 2021. We are immensely grateful to the volunteers noted below for spending six hours over three days last week. With your help, we are now continuing with the simple but crucial tree maintenance (see below).

Enormous thanks for all your hard work, it was really appreciated.

  • Thursday (7.3.24) we planted 115 trees and removed grass from the surviving trees in the first of two tree enclosures. In which Ken, Paul and myself focused on planting 71 trees, whilst Joan was fantastic removing the grass from the surviving trees.
  • Friday (8.3.24) Mark, Colin and myself planted more than 44 trees and continued grass removal.
  • Monday (11.3.24) Ken, Joan, Chris, John (and Colin, Jill and Frank not pictured) planted over 100 replacement trees in the second of two tree enclosures.

 Please Help (revisiting our 16,000).

On Tuesday (19.3.24) at 10.00 hrs, we will be meeting at Old Hall Park across the road from the rear car park of the Baptist Church on Old Hall Lane. (Please check the FOMD website events section for more details).

We will be removing any competitive grass from inside the tree protecting spirals to maximise growth, and simply reinserting canes and spirals wherever needed. It is a small but important job and may be the last time we need to undertake any maintenance here, fingers crossed.

Two years on, the 1015 trees (part of Maghull’s 16,000) we planted on this site are looking healthy. They were planted in two tree enclosures to form a small woodland. So far, we have boosted the future growth of a total of 4000 small trees with this maintenance previously at Pimbley Field, St. George’s primary school and the current Old Hall Park.

Equipment needed: All you will need to bring are thick garden gloves (essential), sturdy boots and a spade or fork (optional).

We hope you can help, it will really make a big difference.

Many Thanks,


Together Making Maghull a better place to live.

More information about this and other projects at: www.fomd.co.uk

(website created locally by www.abbeytech.net/)

Contact: admin@fomd.co.uk

#fomdcic #Maghull #Environment

Monday (11.3.24) Ken, Joan, Chris, John (and Colin, Jill and Frank not pictured) planted over 100 replacement trees in the second of two tree enclosures.

Thursday (7.3.24) we planted 115 trees and removed grass from the surviving trees in the first of two tree enclosures. In which Ken, Paul and myself focused on planting 71 trees, whilst Joan was fantastic removing the grass from the surviving trees. (Pictured: Paul and Joan)

Meeting at Old Hall Park pictured from Baptist church.

Ben (Mersey Forest) pictured on the right, who has been immensely supportive by providing the replacement trees and great advice as always.