The Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD) have organised some Christmas magic with the support of the community and wonderment of the children. The display comprises of a giant Father Christmas made from two bales of straw, a beautiful family of reindeer made from logs and branches, a lifelike post box (which goes directly to Greenland), and is situated in the grounds of St George’s Primary School (Old Hall Lane) and visible to the whole community. Teresa Mawtus (Teacher) said: “the children have been enchanted by our Father Christmas and his reindeer, and have been busy writing letters to him. Whilst the festive display is something the whole community can also see and enjoy”.

Dr Frank Sharp (FOMD Trustee) explained, that the idea was hatched when we saw a similar Father Christmas at Bent’s Garden Centre and the reindeer on the road to Southport a couple of years ago.

We had planned to put the display on Bobby’s Wood but thought that the children and the community would be able to engage better at St George’s Primary School. However, the reindeer will live afterwards at Bobby’s Wood/Woodend in the New Year.

We would like to thank the amazing members of the community (Santa’s Helpers) who have made the display possible including: • Maghull Town Council, for paying for the paint and the discounted reindeer.

• St George’s Primary School for permitting the display and in particular the wonderfully enthusiastic artistic support from Teresa Mawtus (teacher) who has purchased materials, painted everything and is also providing further decorations.

• Andrew Houghton (Running Paws on Millbank Lane) for kindly supplying and later recycling two large bales of straw for free.

• Craig Lawson (Instagram @Lawsonwoodworx) for making the beautiful discounted reindeer family and the post box.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas,


PS Please check out our latest project: