• Advertising: Started placing posters throughout Maghull. In the absence of the normal media outlets we have been posting very regular updates on the Maghull Community Facebook Page and The Champion Newspaper Facebook Page.
  • Canvassing: We have started sensitively exploring support from local businesses, letters of support drafted with maps and posters.
  • Other Funds: We have started exploring environmental funding schemes to support this project.
  • Other Donors: We are contacting donors from a previous environmental project, whilst also contacting potentially large donors from local industry.
  • Cash donations, have been gratefully received from Rose Wright £5, Jane Oliver £10, Benny and Marion £20, Neil Burdekin £20 + £25 online, Anon Dover Rd PO £10. A heartfelt thank you to all the others who have pledged so far online.
  • Target Fund Update: we have 154 days left having achieved 54%, which equates to £12,934 of our £24,071 target. Leaving £11,137 to achieve before 29th October.
  • Tree planting help: we plan to plant approximately 2000 trees, which includes 1150 hedge trees, with the support of the whole community. However, we appear to have our first volunteers in the form of the Maghull Scouts who are exploring this as a possibility, dependent upon future restrictions of course.