The Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD) following the first (of three) successful crowdfunding campaigns in 2020, despite the pandemic challenges, raised overwhelming donations to support the creation of: (1) a safe perimeter with a wooden rail and mixed wild life friendly hedging and (2) to officially open (26.5.21) an accessible natural 230m Cotswold style path, in Bobby’s Wood, Woodend, (near the junction of Liverpool Road South and Northway), in remnant of mediaeval wood entrance to Maghull.

The event was officially opened with a ceremonial cutting of a ribbon by the newly elected Mayor of Sefton – Cllr Clare Carragher, on her first official engagement, who stated, ‘as a local person I have been amazed at this transformation into a beautiful haven and community asset, and paid tribute to everyone involved’. Roy Evans (charity founder and ex-Liverpool Football Manager) was a surprise guest to say a special thank you to Paul Pruden (Ashworth Hospital Head Gardener) and his team (Phil, Dave, Neil). Roy said, that they have overcome considerable adversity to philanthropically and tirelessly create this beautiful community path to enable accessibility for all and connecting ongoing points of interest. Within a week they have removed 146 ton of soil, landscaping it invisibly into two rear hollows, and replaced it with 146 ton of layered path materials’. The occasion was crowned by 10 intrepid children from the neighbouring Bumbles Nursery being the first official users of the path, to find treasure under each of the 10 recently installed MTC bird boxes.

Dr Frank Sharp (FOMD Trustee) said, ‘that the official opening was mainly a lovely opportunity to express a small token of our immense gratitude to our main donors and the community, who during the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic have made the impossible possible, by creating this ongoing beautiful legacy and community asset. We were delighted that most of the donors were able to attend but they are too numerous sadly to list here. However, we have created over 20 flower shaped temporary individual thank you placards around the path that will remain in situ for a week and a thank you video at Please help our second crowdfunding website that has raised £465 of our £3-5000 October target to buy woodland themed shrubs, bulbs and wildflowers, at . It also includes a short introductory video and a link to how you can help through a simple but amazing Maghull Co-op charity partnership scheme. Alternatively, cash donations can be made at Dover Road – Post Office, The Chippy, The Blue Star and Morrisons’.

Pictured: L-R Alex Spencer (MTC Amenities Manager), Diane Harvey, Ian Porter (FOMD Trustees), Cllr Patrick McKinley (MTC leader), Paul and Harry Richards (Tree Surgeons), Roy Evans (Ex LFC Manager), Colleague (Tree Surgeon), Phil (Gardener), Dave Owens (Volunteer), Dave, Paul, Pruden, Neil (Ashworth Hospital Gardeners), Jayne Vincent (Sefton Council Consultation and Engagement Lead), Cllr Dr Frank Sharp (FOMD Trustee), Cllr Clare Carragher (Mayor of Sefton), Cllr Marion Atkinson (Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Skills & Local Sefton Molineux Ward Cllr).

Other May News: Over 200 shrubs donated by the local community and reported in the local newspaper. Maghull Town Council donate and install to fantastic benches. The 146 ton of soil that was removed for the path was landscaped flat into two large areas at the the rear of wood, Where it was raked to remove tons of stones, and grass seeded which has come on leaps and bounds with some wet weather recently.

Next month: we hope to develop a small ecology area to the rear of the wood, including a wood chip path, bordered with logs, and large logs for seating. We have applied for further funding with the Co-op and hope to be able to announce a significant donation from another source.

Many thanks once again for all your support,