The loss of someone at any age is devastating but to lose someone so young whose every blossoming development is intrinsically enmeshed in our own life, as a parent is to their child is unimaginable. Matthew had a rich potential that was being realised, from being a young entrepreneur, starting university, becoming the youngest town councillor and a sense of community pride and responsibility that was inspiring and beyond his tender years. Matthew experienced the broad and often poorly understood condition of ADHD and with his transition into adulthood it created fresh challenges and difficult coping strategies for Matthew and those around him. His loss will never make sense but his parents and other close people have found an opportunity to create a legacy not only to celebrate his life but to give meaning, awareness and hope to others.

Following an outpouring of love, community donations and considerable organising and hard work by Matthew’s parents, friends family community volunteers, Sefton Council and his amazing community volunteering partner Cllr Ken Hughes (Mayor of Maghull) and his son Cllr Tom Hughes, the subway has been immaculately transformed and named Matthew Lock Way not only as a worthy and inspiring tribute but as a legacy with informative signage to direct everyone to a charity set up (see below) in Matthew’s name to promote crucial ADHD raising awareness.

The naming ceremony was undertaken poignantly on Father’s Day (Sunday 16.6.24), with beautiful speeches from Ken Hughes, Matthew’s parents Christine and Richard and unveiled by Fr Gerry (St Georges Catholic Church) who also delivered a wonderful speech using the subway as a metaphor for life’s transition. The ceremony was undertaken in the presence of a large gathering from our community further demonstrating the continued heartwarming love and esteem that the community have for Matthew.

The subway is a tunnel that provides a bright safe passageway which both physically and psychologically provides a beacon of light at the end of the tunnel.

A huge thank you to Richard, Christine and Ken on behalf of our grateful community.

The Amazing Richard, Christine, Ken pictured with Matthew.

Light at the end of the tunnel!