1.1 Natural Cotswold Style Path (230m) Installed. During a one-week window of opportunity in March, one of the two main aims of our 2020 successful crowdfunding involved the installation of a beautiful natural path to provide site accessibility to everyone the matter what their need or weather impact. To enable the community to access a local green haven whilst also providing a springboard to create interesting natural destinations alongside its borders, some of which have already been developing. We have been ‘blown away’ by the enormous positive feedback from everybody. The second aim was achieved last November with the creation of a perimeter wooden rail and mixed wildlife friendly hedging to provide a safe enclosed environment from the neighbouring traffic.

As a community we are incredibly indebted to Mr Paul Pruden (Ashworth Hospital Head Gardener) and his team Phil, Dave & Chris and myself (Trustee of Friends of Maghull and District – FOMD) who worked slavishly and ingenuously to remove 146 t of soil and project manage every aspect of the path installation. Paul kindly agreed to undertake this work at the beginning of the crowdfunding if we could raise the money to pay for the materials and machine hire. He had intended to commence the work in November but started in March because of a serious family health concern, the Covid impact upon the hospital, and the simple fact that the site became too wet to accommodate any vehicle access. Consequently, we are absolutely amazed that he has been able to undertake this work, demonstrating his and his employers (Merseycare NHS Foundation) astonishing, commendable, inspiring resilience and commitment to our community.

The soil was replaced with the path material donated by immensely kind and generous businesses and the crowdfunding community as a whole which includes:

• 90t aggregate & membrane (Caddick Construction £1,870 & £280 and Joseph Parr Builders Merchant £478 discount),

• 56t Self Binder (Sefton Council Transition Fund £2500 & Community Crowdfunding £888),

• Machinery hire (Community Crowdfunding £600),

• Timber & Hedging (AE. Yates Construction £890 and £574).

• Further thanks to Yates Construction site manager (Jonathan Parker) for his absolutely invaluable advice and friendly support to enable us to safely access the site with heavy transport lorries which involved hiring (£500) of metal road plates for the pavement protection and 10 huge grass Euro mats.

• Thank you to Maghull Town Council (particularly Alex Spencer -Amenities Manager and team) for permission, protocol support and hiring & construction/dismantling of the health and safety perimeter Heras fencing (£192).

• Finally, thank you to Jenni Howe (and everyone else at St George’s United reformed Church) who allowed machinery and equipment to be stored in their local gated church grounds during the project.

1.2 Border Planting. Since our appeal requesting dormant woodland themed shrubs from the local community the huge cleared 50x4m rear border, we have had an unprecedented response from the community with over 200 shrubs donated to date, which we have endeavoured to plant immediately. Many of the plants we have received have been nurtured from seeds/cuttings or have huge sentimental attachments having been passed on from previous generations which make them even more special. We wish to send a heartfelt thank you to everyone for their generosity. We have now paused the plants donations until November 2021 when the plant dormancy period commences and means that moving plants will be more successful. We have plants in most parts of the border now and have tried to keep large plants at the rear and smaller ones at the front, whilst mixing evergreens with deciduous to maintain interest throughout the seasons. In the meantime, the border is historically well-stocked with a treasure trove of bulbs which are now making an appearance in the form of snowdrops, crocus, bluebells, and daffodils.

1.3 Wood Chippings. Paul Richards(local tree surgeon), has been consistently brilliant in his ongoing supply of wood chippings, which acts as a fantastic, attractive, woodland themed weed suppressant, which is imperative for maintaining such a huge border.

2.0 Coming Up This Month. Following all the significant changes we are now focusing on repairing a couple of damaged path boards, clearing debris, and re-seeding landscaped areas.

3.0 Our Other Projects.

3.1 Trees have been planted by FOMD at: Bobby’s Wood/Woodend (over 1,503) including standards, Moss Side Cricket Field & Neighbouring Park Lane (357) St Georges Primary School (20), Milbank Lane (1,485), Claremont Ave (10 standards), Deyes Lane (7 standards). The pressure to get the last trees planted was heightened at Hall Lane & Pimbley Field (1,535) as we only had a week before the end of the tree planting season in March to plant them, whilst also overcoming several late logistical, and time-consuming ground preparation problems, compounded by pandemic restrictions. We originally sourced the free rescued 8000 tree whips from being chipped last April and kept them alive in two local volunteer sites, in a process known as ‘healing’ until they were needed.

3.2 Dover Road junction – green improvements include for standard trees planted and new curb, cleared drains and grass turfing to be undertaken following contact with Sefton highways department.

3.3 Rhinoceros Sculpture landscaping preparation being undertaken, on Stafford Moreton Way Thank you very much to one and all, your amazing support has been brilliant and is really helping to make a difference for everyone. Please Help. The rockery on the rear border entrance is just the beginning, our aim this year is to plant up this huge 50x4m to border with Woodland themed planting, consequently we are encouraging community support via the following:

• Woodland themed plant donations (please email woodendcwp@gmail.com)

• Online donations on our new crowdfunding website (www.justgiving/crowdfunding/woodend) to plant up the remainder of the 50×4 m rear border.

• We have partnered with the Co-op as one of their charities of the year (October 2020/21). The Maghull Co-op (Deyes Lane) will ‘donate money for nothing’, if customers simply sign up to be a Co-op member and choose our ‘cause’. Then every time a customer uses their membership card the Co-op will donate to our charity. Simply visit the Co-op website at https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/53065

Best Wishes,