March Update

Prior to the crowdfunding commencement on the 1.4.20 has been a rollercoaster ride not least because of the pandemic concerns. This period has involved the following planning:

  • Completing the thorough Spacehive online application process and achieving independent verification.
  • Canvassing ideas with Don Billington (multiple Chelsea gold medal winner), Alex Spencer (MCT Amenities Manager), Paul Pruden (Ashworth hospital Head Gardener), the neighbouring Bumbles Nursery, local residents, wood users, and local borough Cllr Marion Atkinson and several other Maghull councillors.
  • We have costed every aspect of the plans, with three quotes to deal with Council requirements for tendering, which have been included on the Spacehive website.
  • Spacehive have kindly waived their £500 fees during this difficult time.
  • We have engaged with local schools and explored child mentorship schemes with the RHS and Kew Gardens.
  • Maghull Town Council who maintain the land, as part of their lease from Sefton Council, spent one whole week in mortal combat with brambles, weeds and overgrown hedging, that they recycled into wood chippings, and revealed an old 12 foot deep border at the far edge of the wood. To their surprise these huge borders have been populated with an equally large amount of crocus, snowdrop, bluebells and daffodils.
  • Another positive, is the fact that Maghull in Bloom with the assistance of Don Billington and local schoolchildren have two years ago planted a fantastic array of small daffodils on the near grassed edge to the main junction.
  • Prior to commencing the crowdfunding campaign we have received some wonderful in-kind support which has amounted to about £12,000, representing 51% of our target fund. Consequently, we are immensely grateful to the following.
  • Mr Martin Monaghan for his topographic survey of the site
  • Mr Paul Pruden and his Ashworth hospital gardening team for offering to create a Cotswold grit path.
  • Mersey Forest for hundreds of trees
  • The Tree Council for 80% funding of 1150 mixed wildlife friendly hedging whips to surround the whole site circumference (230 m) and are negotiating with Sefton Council environmental Department to undertake an evidence-based research to enhance the limited research pertaining to evidence that hedging can reduce 60% of the vehicle.
  • William Whittam for the production of our introductory campaign video.
  • MCT for the noticeboards and bins.
  • Castle Foundry for the potential loan of the sculpture.

April Update.

  • Advertising has been limited due to the current pandemic restrictions but we have managed post on the Maghull Community Facebook Page (10,000 members) several times a week, the Champion Newspaper Facebook Page, and three mentions on BBC Radio Merseyside.
  • We launched the crowdfunding with a children’s art competition with Easter eggs for each age group and craft bags for each entrant courtesy of a generous donation by Morrisons.
  • Collection containers are now situated in Morrisons and Dover Road Post Office.
  • Through Spacehive we have been matched with two funding organisations and have completed their application process and pitched to them. Both organisations can provide a maximum funding for individual projects of £5000 and £1000 respectively, if successful.
  • We have been negotiating with two large firms who have both been very positive to support our project but obviously progress has slowed during the current restrictions, but we remain hopeful.
  • A local councillor has taken away a 12 page business case we created, to explore other avenues of financial support.

Many thanks for your support.