The fifth edition of Maghull’s quarterly community magazine – Your MAGhull, is being delivered free to 9000 homes and available below online and with previous editions on the links below.

Your evolving community magazine is striving to keep the community connected highlighting:  many positive stories celebrating Maghull, why we should feel proud of the town and how you can help to make a difference.

We believe that without communication a community cannot be community. Please give your support as many of our residents do not have the magic of the Internet, leading to large groups of our community being excluded. We want to connect schools, charities, churches, businesses, councils and much more, so we can help each other going forward to make Maghull an even better place to live.

It also represents a wonderful advertising opportunity whilst also supporting the running costs for our grateful community. Contact information can be found within the magazine below.

Some Great Stories Celebrating:

  • One of Maghull’s most historic and largest schools completely rebuilt to the high standards
  • Maghull’s largest employer invests millions to build Europe leading psychiatric units.
  • Do you remember Maghull’s Albany Cinema with visits from the Beatles and Ken Dodd.
  • Keep up to date and influence the development with Maghull’s 14 Parks and 19 Open Spaces.
  • Check out the Community News section.
  • How can The New Advice Centre Help You?
  • Did you know that the Cosy Club for our most vulnerable residents is the most successful in Sefton?
  • and much more!

Your MAGhull (5th Ed). Online version:

Previous editions available in this link:


Maghull’s Best Welcome: Celebrating the Maghull Station Volunteers (MSV).

For the last 20 years, since 2004, the station grounds have been stunningly looked after by a small group of inspiring multi-award-winning volunteers, who initially started as litter pickers and were joined by other helpers who felt the area would benefit by having permanent floral displays. The waiting room houses paintings of the station painted by our own Margaret Walton. A stained-glass window, prepared by members of U3A, is dedicated to our 2 past chairmen Nigel Winchester and Alan Pritchard. On the platform is a storey board prepared by Margaret Cummins showing Frank Hornby who lived close by at the Hollies and is buried in St Andrews church yard. Over the years the group added planters, hanging baskets and herbaceous borders.

We were encouraged to take part in RHS competitions and have had many successes as shown in our Trophy Cabinet situated by the ticket office. Besides making our own compost we have introduced water butts to cut down on our need to use hose pipes. We continue to attract wildlife to the grounds with our bird feeders, nesting boxes and bug hotels. Each year we hold a coffee morning and plant sale where the beneficiary is Woodlands Hospice. For the first time in 2023 we took part in The National Garden Scheme helping to raise money for local and national charities. We are grateful for the support shown by local businesses and of course Merseyrail Volunteers can be found regularly on site tending the beds and of course litter picking. There is always something to do, pruning, planting, painting… Being busy outside is good for mental health and lasting friendships are made. We are always looking for fresh faces to come and join us carry on the good and rewarding work – could this be for you? Please contact

By John Barnett and Doreen Bird (MSV).

With immense community gratitude.

Full Story:

Best Wishes,

Your MAGhull Editorial Team

Together Connecting Our Community

Pictured: Left MSV leader – Doreen Bird with her amazing volunteers.