We can’t thank the Mersey Care NHS Trust Foundation Gardeners enough for their incredibly generous support. Ian & Phil (pictured) led by their Horticultural Manager Paul Pruden (based at Ashworth Hospital), gave expert advice regarding the choice of border shrubs, provided transportation and planted most of the shrubs for the local charity – Friends of Maghull and District CIC.

We purchased over 60 woodland themed shrubs, courtesy of a 10% Discount from Sandy Lane Nurseries (Melling) utilising the countless community donations from the year-long appeal to raise funds for populating the huge rear border of Bobby’s Wood/Woodend (junction Liverpool Road South/Northway).

The hard working, good humoured gardening team have been absolutely invaluable with every environmental community project we have been involved in, which is remarkable considering their small team is responsible for all the psychiatric facilities across the whole of Merseyside ranging from Warrington/Liverpool to Southport. We are also delighted to hear that Paul has recently received a well-deserved promotion to Horticultural Manager across the whole trust which is real tribute to him and his team.

In the meantime, we have started a fresh appeal for unwanted woodland themed plants between October 2021 and March 2022, to be planted in the Bobby’s Wood/Woodend border or the refresh of our first project (2018) in Parkbourn, Maghull. For plant donations please contact: woodendcwp@gmail.com and for continued updates check out: www.spacehive.com/woodend

Local Climate change action has never been more important: If you would like to express an interest in local tree planting events (between November 2021- March 2022), as many of you did last year when you helped to plant 8,000 in Maghull (!), please contact us on woodendcwp@gmail.com Some people came for one hour, others brought young families, others stayed longer, but every little bit helped and really made a difference. Best Wishes, FOMD CIC Pictured: Phil and Ian (Ashworth Hospital Gardeners) standing on the path they created in March 2021, with a few of the crowd funded plants in the foreground, just before planting.