Thank you to the whole community for completing the unbelievable cash donations over the last year to the Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD CIC) second stage of our project to populate the huge 50x4m border with the woodland themed plants, to create a beautiful, interesting and wildlife friendly destination for the Cotswolds style path we installed last year, at Bobby’s Wood/Woodend (Junction of Liverpool Road South/Northway).

You have raised an approximate grand total of £2,309.68.

• Dover Road, The Chippy – £19…/154530…/posts/928746127853441

• Dover Road, The Blue Star – £89…/154530…/posts/958764994851554

• Dover Road, Post Office – hundred and £130…/154530…/posts/959076598153727

• Morrisons – £257…/154530…/posts/959693481425372

• Molineux Ward Councillors – £300…/154530…/posts/953204922074228

• Dowhigh Construction – £500…/154530…/posts/953853542009366

• The Co-op (ongoing) – £305.39…/154530…/posts/957413444986709

• Just Giving Crowdfunding Page – £709.29

A huge thank you also to the organisations who helped to facilitate the community’s donations (noted above), it was incredibly generous of them to think of the local community, when they were facing so many distressing pandemic challenges. We gave the first £50 donated by the Molineux Ward Councillors to local residents who are looking after the three new planters, also donated by Molineux Ward and is situated on Dover Road/Northway. Local resident (Anne) chose the winter plants from Sandy Lane Nursery and planted them this week (pictured).

In the meantime, we have started a fresh appeal for unwanted woodland themed plants **between October 2021 and March 2022, to be planted in the Bobby’s Wood/Woodend border or a refresh of our first project (2018) in Parkbourn. Please contact: and continued updates can be found at:

Local Climate change action: If you would like to express an interest in local treeplanting, as many of you did last year to help plant 8000 in Maghull (!), please contact us on Some people came for one hour, others brought young families, others stayed longer, but every little bit helped and really made a difference.

Once again we are really indebted to you all for your kind generosity.

Best Wishes,