A huge thank you to Henry and Paul (pictured: MTC Park Rangers) and Alec Spencer (MTC Amenities Manager) for helping (FOMD) with the weeding, pruning and removal last Friday, at short notice, in Bobby’s Wood/Woodend (junction of Liverpool Road South/Northway) prior to a visit from one of our main donor’s communication department (Sefton Council Transition Fund).

We really can’t thank the team enough as you will see from the ‘thank you video’ the Park Rangers have been invaluable throughout the project, they are always incredibly helpful, friendly and cheerful: https://youtu.be/E6dsg4oiMsw Some of the branches were recycled by a passing florist who is going to use them for an outside wedding she is organising!

The huge rear border which is now this year’s focus in terms of crowdfunding and over 200 woodland themed plant donations, has been evolving through the seasons and has lost the spring colour of the snowdrops, bluebells, azaleas and rhododendrons, cherry and crab apple blossom, being replaced by lush green leafy plants eg. various evergreens, ferns and some ground elder, nettles, cow parsley. Generally, we have been fortunate not to have to weed the area too much due to the tons of free weed suppressant wood chippings Paul Richards (local tree surgeon) has provided and not wishing to interfere with the blossoming bluebells. Please Help Us to Continue Improving the Environment in Maghull.

We need your kind donations to reach our £3/5,000 October target, which currently stands at £700. Our aim is to populate a 50×4 border with woodland themed planting at Bobby’s Wood/Woodend (junction of Liverpool Road South and Northway).

More information and donations can be made at: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/woodend Previous projects include:

• Stafford Morton Way Wildflower Project: https://www.spacehive.com/stafford-moreton

• Woodend (Stage One): https://www.spacehive.com/woodend

• 9,000 Trees throughout Maghull: https://www.facebook.com/…/154530…/posts/837487836979271

• Prompting Park Lane Improvements. https://www.facebook.com/groups/154530851941643 Many Thanks and

Best Wishes,

Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD)