• Hudson primary School won the annual Maghull Town Council (MTC) ‘Youth’ Civic Award for a friendship scheme to bridge the intergenerational gap with older people and organised with the Smith Brothers Foundation. In addition, they planted over 2000 trees with the Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) receiving Royal recognition.
  • Maghull High School won an MTC Beacon Award for creating thousands of PPE items at the height of the pandemic which probably saved many lives. In addition, their art department was nominated for a Youth Award for creating some permanent community artwork which involved (1) floral art on a street bin and (2) two bottle top mosaic pictures as part of a FOMD Project.

They are a real credit to our community, and we are really proud of them.

Huge Thanks,


Hudson Primary School

Maghull High School DT Department

More Information:

(1) Maghull High School DT Department.

Students and Staff Made Thousands of PPE at the Height of the Pandemic when PPE Was Scarce.

The DT department, comprising of Mr Abraham and Mr Nagi, were invaluable to the local community during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the help of a GoFundMe campaign which allowed the purchase of resources and materials, they created a production line of PPE visors, which were desperately needed in healthcare settings at the time. The department made visors for all who needed them, which included GP practices, pharmacies and hospitals in the area. With the help of students and colleagues the department made thousands of visors. This took place in lockdown when all but children of key-workers were self-isolating. The department chose to put their skills and facilities to good use at this time and were widely recognised in the locality for this.

We are enormously proud of how our students went above and beyond to make such a positive difference in such profoundly challenging times. Their actions were not only exemplary but potentially saved many lives.

The PPE visors were invaluable to health care settings, as at the time no visors could be sourced.

Creating the visors for all medical settings meant that key-workers could care for their patients whilst feeling like they had some level of protection.

This peace of mind helped with morale as well as motivation at a time when many people were uncertain of the world around them. Aside from this, the positivity for staff efforts from the community feedback had a great impact on the school staff who were attending every day, when most colleagues were working from home. It felt good to be able to contribute to the wider efforts to support other professionals on the frontline of fighting the pandemic

(2) Maghull High School Art Department.

The students of Maghull High School have been instrumental in numerous community art projects, creating artwork to inspire, celebrate and support the local community.

Students began working closely with the Friends of Maghull and District in 2020 to produce 2 pieces of public art. The first was a bin located in the town square. The second was a set of 2 murals which celebrate once again our floral achievements as a town as well as our proximity to the coast.

Students have also created work for Sefton’s Fostering Service who launched the #EverydayAngel campaign to show how much we value our foster carers. Emelia in Year 9 was named as the winner, with a refined and eye catching feather design. Overall 641 students work was used from across Sefton, with over 100 from Maghull High School.

Peyton from Year 9 won the Knowledge Quarter Liverpool PV School Design Challenge. Her public art is now on display in the Knowledge Quarter.

Students also created Christmas cards for Park Haven care home to show their support to members of our community who have given so much.

The artwork produced by students expresses the community’s values and creates an elevated sense of awareness for community members, such as foster carers, and visitors. We aim for the artwork to cultivate a cultural identity by setting the community apart and attracting people to its uniqueness and vibrancy. A focus on the beauty of nature in Maghull has been at the heart of our work for the Friends of Maghull and district.

The work also contributes to the preservation of history, whilst being a catalyst for education by bringing people from different cultures together to learn to express themselves through the medium of art. This is particularly shown through Peyton’s work for the Knowledge Quarter.

The final impact we believe the work has is the inclusion our young people feel thanks to the meaningful contribution they have made to the community. Rather than being an overlooked member of society they are celebrated here at Maghull.

Our work also promotes interaction in public spaces, as the work is a conversation starter between locals and visitors to Maghull. We also feel that it improves wellbeing as it can brighten even the dullest of mornings.
