Local Business Award
Our local businesses are very much the beating heart of our community and have faced the most challenging times in living memory over recent years, yet miraculously they have resiliently survived. Many of them have not only survived but gone the extra mile for the local community which is demonstrated by some of our amazing winner and nominees.
Home from Home run by Michelle Rossiter one the MTC local business award.
Michelle’s small home run business providing a daily safe place for the elderly to meet their needs whilst providing normal (eg shopping and medical appointments) and entertaining lifestyle (eg visiting the cinema etc) in the community, thus preventing loneliness and isolation and the benefits of a warm caring environment. She also finds time to support the Friends of Maghull & District as a founder member.

Home from Home run by Michelle Rossiter

The Beacon Award
Although the pandemic might feel like a long time ago it really isn’t. As a community we faced many profound and tragic challenges. However, in the midst of the pandemic many people went above and beyond to help each other, so this award strives to recognise their kind and inspiring contribution. All the following nominees received an award:
  • Maghull High School for creating thousands of PPE items (Face visors) at the height of the pandemic which probably saved many lives.
  • Christine Menzies for making PPE face masks to enable people to carry on their normal lives when PPE was in short supply.
  • The Maghull Community Association volunteers who gave out food parcels in their own time to struggling families and vulnerable people.
  • Parkhaven Trust staff who went above and beyond during the pandemic to rise to the extraordinary challenges presented to them.
  • Scrummies Catering for their incredible community support
  • Home Bargains (Stafford Moreton Way) and team leader Billy Nightingale, who at short notice provided discounted items for the Maghull Town Council Christmas hampers that were given to 100 vulnerable residents in Maghull.

Maghull High School – Mr Abraham and students

Parkhaven Trust staff

The Maghull Community Association volunteers

Christine Menzies

Other Local Business Nominees Included:
  • Haley Brennan – opened the successful Betty’s Coffee Shop and personally and professionally established her business at the centre of the community providing care, compassion, support to everyone she met. Outreach work involved organising multiple pop up market events, sponsored a children’s football team, organised Christmas markets, toddler sessions, story sessions, signposted residents to mental health resources, dementia tea afternoons, organised Ukraine relief parcels, supported local food banks, FOMD member and much more
  • Catch A Glimpse – who over the last three years offer ultrasound services providing life saving early diagnosis with the highest levels of compassion and care.
  • Hartley’s Nursery – for their support of the Maghull Community Radio station and the Hillsborough Awareness campaign.


Hayley Brennan – Betty’s Coffee Shop

Thank you to you all for being such an inspiration to our community.
More Information in your Maghull Community Magazine (Maghull Press) https://www.paperturn-view.com/?pid=MzE311208