Recent Media Post: advising those people who are still following us on the Stafford Moreton Way Spacehive Crowdfunding website, that future updates will be on our new FOMD website. Sadly we had 24 followers on that group but no way of finding out their email addresses, but hopefully this message will encourage them to join the new website/mail list. You

Maghull Friends Are Moving – Please Keep in Touch (see you later alligator!)

You Raised £6,500 on the Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD) Stafford Moreton Way Crowdfunding Page and made a fantastic difference to the environment, including many features to raise awareness at

A huge thank you to everyone who has subscribed to receiving regular emails from the Stafford Moreton Way crowdfunding website. Since last week we have a brand-new website at (created by the brilliant Abbey Tech Computors) where we have moved all our historical information and will provide lots more new information and opportunities for further support and engagement.

We would love you to keep in touch which can easily be done by sending an email to so we can add you to our new mailing list or if you would like to get in touch for any other reason.

To complete the Stafford Moreton Way project we will be installing a noticeboard near the rhinoceros and several stunning community art works utilising the donated plastic bottle tops from the rhinoceros in February.

The Woodend Project has a few more finishing touches. Whilst we are starting a new environmental project at The Dell close to Stafford Moreton Way. These and other projects can be found in more detail on our website by using the drop-down project tab.

A huge thank you for your brilliant support in helping to raise £6500 and we hope you will join us on our new website and mailing list.

Hopefully, see you later ‘alligator’ (on our new website)!

All the best,