Local Business Donates Bench in Shopping Maghull Shopping Centre.
News on a Maghull Christmas Fair This Year and a Regular Artisan Market Next Year.
New Maghull Magazine to Keep the Community Connected.
Please Register Here for Your New Free Maghull Business Support Network.
Local Business Generously Donates Bench in Shopping Centre
In response to requests from the community for more seating at the Shopping Square, the Sefton Mayoral Charity contacted the owners LCP and Evolve, who asked their property maintenance contractors (Marshall Construction) who in turn kindly donated and installed the seat outside the award winning independent – G Callaghan Butchers, last week. For the full story please follow the link: https://www.lcpgroup.co.uk/news?n=596
News on Christmas Fair This Year and Regular Artisan Market Next Year in the Square.
MAGHULL CHRISTMAS FROST FAIR – confirmed by organisers and landowners.3rd December. Maghull Square. 11am – 4pm (Artisan Network NW Ltd Festival, Event & Market Organisers.
The Artisan Fair, will be an evolving regular feature every second Sunday starting in March.
Showcasing beautifully crafted keepsakes, art, festive food & drink, this family & dog friendly destination will be sure to ease your festive frustrations, celebrate uniqueness & bring back the joy into selecting those extra special gifts. Discover everything from small batch gins, to locally grown produce, sample jams, chutneys & naughty sweet treats, & choose one of a kind homeware, jewellery, greeting cards, festive decorations, hand knits & home fragrance.
Invitations to trade include the use of our gazebos, local creatives are more than welcome.
Register at:
New Magazine to Keep the Maghull Community Connected.
With the sad loss of the Champion newspaper after 28 years, which delivered to 160,000 homes in our area, there was a recognition that without this communication it is difficult to be part of a community, whether you have access online or not. Schools, churches, charities, councils, residents, businesses etc who represent the community could struggling to be a community, particularly at such challenging times.
Consequently, Maghull Town Council has contacted several successful long-standing community magazines throughout the country and will emulate their best practice to produce a 40 page A5 magazine three/four times per year, to be delivered to every resident and popular venues (10,000 copies). The costs has already been covered for the first edition through adverts, sponsorship and should be available in December. Should you wish to support the community magazine with sponsorship, adverts or community stories/events please contact Maghull Town Council on 0151 526 3705 or email info@maghull-tc.gov.uk
Business Invitation.
We have now successfully visited 350 businesses in Maghull, delivering the well received letter below. If you have not had the opportunity to register please send your details described in the letter to admin@maghullcommunityweb.co.uk
Dear Local Business Owner,
Re: Important Free Opportunity to Support Yourself and Other Local Businesses with the aim to create a Maghull Business Strategy for the benefit of the whole community.
Who are we?
Maghull Town Council, local businesses, charities and other aspects of our community have come together to invite you as local experts to be part of a free closed business network. We care about our community and see our collaborative businesses as the beating heart of what will make our community thrive and prosper. To emulate the success of beacon town retail models and achieve our aspirations, it is essential to have your early engagement in this initiative to harness your experience/expertise and vision in shaping the way forward.
Why now?
In 2019, the historic low of the UK high streets utilising the old retail model was headline news. However, since then it has been compounded by Brexit and the pandemic, whilst businesses have strived to find resilient methods to cope. Currently, Maghull has been chosen by Sefton Council to fulfil the majority of its current/future housing requirements for the next decade and beyond, with a potential population increase of between 25 and 40%. The situation represents a considerable and unique opportunity for businesses to harness this new demand for the benefit of everyone.
How can we help each other?
We need to start a conversation to learn from each other and explore a shared vision.
We need to find out how others have been successful and whether any elements of their success are transferable to Maghull. Eg the successful destination retail model.
We need to explore the resources that are available to work towards a shared vision.
Initial plan.
1.2 This invitation to all local businesses to register their details to create a contact/distribution list
Business Name
Business Type
Contact Details (inc email)
Please send an email to register or for further information to: admin@maghullcommunityweb.co.uk or alternatively complete and return this letter to Maghull Town Council (address above), with the subject title ‘Maghull Business Network’
1.3 Invite all registered businesses to be part of a blog to start a conversation to shape the formulation of a bespoke website which will be created by a local computer business (free of charge), based on your suggestions. The website will continue the mutually supportive conversations but will provide signposting for a wealth of local business resources/advice. Eg Sefton Council Invest platform etc.
1.4 Revisit Altrincham (UK high street beacon) for an update on their progress since our last visit in 2019.
1.5 Organise a Workshop/Conference with all interested local businesses and key stakeholders, with the aim of developing further support and importantly a business strategy for Maghull to provide a vision and ownership.
We sincerely hope that you can see the merit in what we are hoping to achieve collectively, particularly in the absence of any other support or vision. We recognise that you are working enormously hard in challenging times and hope that we can work together to make a positive difference, simply by being part of this, no strings attached, supportive network.
With Warm Regards,
Cllr Dr Frank Sharp
On behalf of Maghull Town Council and the Friends of Maghull and District.