On Wednesday (5.6.24) The Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) had the great pleasure of meeting the Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner (DPCC) Cllr Jeannie Bell and her colleague Paul Doward, to thank her team for their magnificent contribution to part pay for the new Rowlands Dell noticeboard, as they had been unable to attend the official unveiling.

It was a complete joy to meet Jeannie and Paul who had similar experiences of restoring green spaces and could not only see the benefits of their investment but were incredibly enthusiastic, super friendly and knowledgeable about our community’s engagement and aspirations regarding the green restoration at Rowlands Dell. They were equally generous with the feedback when we took a stroll to our neighbouring Stafford Moreton Way Project with the outcomes for promoting nature conservation and recycling.

The massive ongoing cleanup over 33 consecutive sessions to make the Dell safe for wildlife and humans, following 30 years of it seemingly being used as an open tip, revealing in every inch a huge array of shameful pollutant litter and unimaginable debris. Consequently, we have jokingly suggested that we have found everything in there apart from a rolled-up carpet with a body inside! Until we found a rolled-up carpet, which much to the relief of the police and ourselves contained no body!

Emily Spurrell (the newly re-elected Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner said, ‘Whilst my Neighbourhood Resilience Fund aims to improve safety for residents that’s not all it’s about. We want to enhance community cohesion by creating a sense of local pride. Well done Friends of Maghull and District CIC, who this week showed DPCC Jeanie Bell the work they are doing together to improve their area, making beautiful spaces people can enjoy for generations to come! https://www.facebook.com/100033487642339/posts/1265474874578755/?rdid=RXZ2XSWSzfg0RhEc

Background to The PCC Funding Support and Project.

Great news. On the 7.7.23, the Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) applied for funding from Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner, ‘Neighbourhood Resilience Fund’. Consequently, we discovered on 11.9.23 that we have been successful in securing the maximum £1000, for the oversubscribed fund, that will part fund a public noticeboard as a catalyst for our latest and largest

environmental project partnered with the NHS Property Services entitled The Maghull NHS Wellness Dell.

The Maghull NHS Wellness Dell: Introduction.

This social/environmental project is the largest we have undertaken to transform an inaccessible cherished green space belonging to the NHS into an accessible evidence-based place of wellness that will engage every aspect of our community either in its construction and maintenance to its tranquil enjoyment, in the heart of our communities bustling and rapidly developing centre.

The robust attractive noticeboard will communicate support and engagement at every level in Maghull’s highest footfall area, providing a legacy noticeboard that will encourage and invite support.

The community work and future community maintenance will be achieved through supervised volunteer engagement from multi agency health care referrals, through to community engagement and completion of the plans demonstrated by evidence-based physical, psychological wellness outcomes organised by Hope University.


The cherished NHS Dell Project will make a difference by protecting, making accessible & engaging the whole community in its creation & enjoyment in the heart of Maghull. There is overwhelming evidence of the health benefits of combined blue & green spaces that we hope to subtly enhance to help the community to ‘Dwell in the Dell’, whilst encouraging wildlife habitat, eco-education & conservation.


We will be engaging all parts of our community through NHS social prescribed referrals and other health and social partner organisations. Our expectation is that they will be engaged from the commencement of the project through to the establishment of a maintenance group, whilst others will simply enjoy the health benefits of the outcomes.


Together Making Maghull a Better Place to Live.

If you would like to help out at any level or would like more information please visit our website at www.fomd.co.uk

#fomdcic #environment #Maghull


FOMD Stafford Moreton Way Project: Rainbow the recycling rhinoceros, which when full contains 100,000 plastic bottle tops for upcycling and recycling.

Stafford Moreton Way Project: one of several plastic bottle top mosaics entitled Keep the Sea Plastic Free, utilising bottle tops from Rainbow the recycling rhinoceros.

Dr Frank Sharp (FOMD) and Cllr Jeannie Bell (DPCC).

In Rowlands Dell