If you have one hour to spare, the Friends of Maghull & District CIC (FOMD) are meeting tomorrow (Saturday 19.11.22) at 10:00 hours by Rainbow the rhinoceros to finish off some small winter gardening tasks which involves the following:
All you will need are strong boots, garden gloves and if you can bring any of the following: garden fork, hand fork, spade, brush and shovel, could help depending how and how many people turn up.
This project started in 2019 (see www.spacehive.com/stafford-moreton) and should look after itself, as we passed the maintenance onto the brilliant London and Cambridge property management subcontractors – Spacecare, but occasionally they need some help for the finer stuff before the bulbs and wildflowers grow again. Sorry for the short notice again, but I did not want to deter anyone with bad weather, so it is looking dry in the morning, fingers crossed! Many thanks, FOMD