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If you can spare just one hour to drop in, the Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) would love to see you on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday (14, 16, 17.6.23) between 0930 and 1030 hrs, until we clear the weeds from a huge, beautiful border at our Woodend Community Woodland Project (Bobby’s Wood) on the junction of Liverpool Road South and Northway L31 7BG. There is no commitment, you can do as long or as little as you wish, but you will really help to make a big difference.

It’s the first time this year we have been able to weed this area as we have been waiting for the thousands of daffodils and bluebells to die down, which has given the nettles, brambles, and ground elder a foothold, more than we would wish for even a woodland themed border and will give the hundreds of newly donated plants a chance to flourish!

Please bring secateurs, gloves, large and small garden forks, and confirm times at www.fomd.co.uk/events

Many thanks and please spread the word to anyone who might be interested.



A Huge Thank You.

Thank you to John, Diane and Chris (pictured) who along with myself weeded a further 14m length of the 50 m border in one hour, on Saturday resulting in three more agricultural bags, with a grand total of 11 since starting this month! It really is looking fantastic again. I have been there every day recently and the feedback has been really complimentary about your work. I have moved a huge mountain of woodchip across the whole area to populate the path in the children’s nature corner, and placed some around the new trees as a water retentive mulch.

Princess Di, looking at home and resplendent with crown, at our new coronation picnic table

Diane, John, Chris achieving the halfway point of the border weeding

John the Barrowman revealed

John the Barrow man hidden in the undergrowth

Rockery border revealed and waiting to be repopulated with some small plants

The rockery before the weeding!