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Since we planted our 15,000 trees in a host of sites all over Maghull they now need our help to tidy the young trees up after one year, to help their survival.

Everyone is welcome to help at our next destination at Moss Side Hospital Cricket Club (1) which is near the junction of Park Lane and School Lane adjacent the motorway service station (400, Park Lane, Maghull, United Kingdom, L31 1HQ). This

We are meeting at 09.30 hours on Tuesday (16.5.23) and all you will need is a pair of garden gloves and a free 1 hour. The work involves adjusting canes, plastic guards and removing any weeds that have grown inside the guards. This small work makes a massive/invaluable difference to the survival and growth of the trees. If you can’t help please tell someone who you think might be interested.

More information at: www.fomd.co.uk (events section).

Many thanks to Christine and Joan who helped last time (12.5.23) at St George Primary School where we hope to return to finish off, once the school has been able to remove the overgrown brambles.

A huge thank you to the many brilliant people who have helped with our all the one-hour initiatives since we started late last year, with visits to Stafford Moreton Way, Woodend, Hudson Primary School, Pimbley Field, Old Hall Park. We are immensely grateful and would love to see you for the last few destinations.

“The truth is, every one of us, no matter who we are, or where we live, can and must play a part in restoring nature.” Sir David Attenborough.

Huge Thanks,


  1. https://www.facebook.com/msmaghullcc/

#fomdcic #environment #maghull

Entrance in the bottom right corner of cricket field.