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Can you spare one hour, without any commitment, on Saturday (4.5.24) meeting at 09.00 hours, in Rowlands Dell (adjacent to the Hare & Hounds Pub).

Main Task.

Paul & Harry Richards (local tree surgeons) have for the second time kindly volunteered to remove the mountains of green debris that our FOMD have removed over recent weeks. However, he has only a limited amount of time to get it to the recycling centre so we need lots of volunteers to stack up the vegetation onto Paul’s truck to be taken to the recycling centre.

If we have any further time left over we will continue raking a large area, to unearth and remove decades of neglect (eg more vegetation, rubble and litter) before the spring growth returns.

Weekly Achievements & Thanks.

  • Last Saturday (27.4.24) continued raking and removing debris from the top of the north slope, resulting in eight bin bags of rubbish and a new mountain of rubble debris and vegetation, with several journeys to the recycling centre.
  • We brush cut the newly exposed Ivy and bramble roots and runners, both on the north and south slopes.
  • Bluebells donation: Thanks to Christine who called in with a donation of bluebells which we duly planted near the entrance.
  • Wheelbarrow donation: thank you to Arthur who called in with a galvanised wheelbarrow, which couldn’t have been more timely as one of the two that we use was so wonky we were just about to buy a new one!
  • Pinus Tree donation: huge thanks to George who has kindly donated a huge sentimental pot grown tree, along with several ferns. Once we arrange some transport we hope to plant it soon.
  • Digitalis donation: many thanks to Colin for the 36 self grown plants, that we are planting between the Woodend and Stafford Moreton Way projects
  • Poetry Donation: we were surprised and delighted to be visited by Ken Harrison who was very complimentary about the project and kindly presented one of his fantastic poetry books (pictured). Ken is a local resident and poet who along with his close friend and iconic musician/writer Asa Murphy, have generously donated funds from their Thursday night charity session in the Maghull Cabin. Incredibly, they are on a charity mission to provide £10,000 to local good causes and have already given away approximately £6000. Ken’s live poetry is hilarious and we can’t wait to read his book.

Please check our website’s ‘event’ page at www.fomd.co.uk for more information and any last-minute changes. This is a one-hour event, without any commitment.

Equipment. All you will need are:

Sturdy boots, garden gloves (essentials)

  • Loading Vegetation: garden fork.
  • Ground ivy and debris removal: please bring litter picker, garden fork, rigid rake (essential) not a lawn rake, to remove some of the embedded litter.
  • If you are interested in helping to remove the ground Ivy to enable us to access the debris beneath, please bring a brush cutter/strimmer, protective glasses.
  • If you’d like to trim the Ivy hedge, please bring hedge cutter, tree loppers.

Overall, our one-hour sessions over the last 27 consecutive weeks have resulted in collecting 195 bin bags of litter, a huge array of debris and 34 agricultural bags (plus an additional 2½ tons removed and two new heaps!) of tree and wall damaging Ivy, with multiple trips to the recycling centre.

We have received some wonderful feedback and are clearly seeing the difference every time we are there.

This preparation is for Stage Two involving future green landscaping and planting which has been delayed from next April to commence in August.

A huge thank you once again for your generous support of our group, you really are amazing and making such a massive difference to our community at so many levels.

Pictured, our amazing volunteers: Diane, Christine (pictured), Colin and Frank (not pictured).

We hope you make it as many of our volunteers are not available at the moment.

Looking forward to seeing you.


Together Making Maghull a better place to live.

More information about this and other projects at: www.fomd.co.uk

(website created by www.abbeytech.net/)

Contact: admin@fomd.co.uk

#fomdcic #Maghull #Environment

One of the large heaps of debris on the north slope

Top of the North Slope where the debris is nearly clear.


The amazing Diane and Christine


Thank you to Christine for the bluebells donation

A huge thank you to Arthur for the wheelbarrow donation.