When Morrisons’ Manageress – Andrea Watkins discovered the fantastic community work undertaken by Hudson Primary School in the morning, to plant 1482 trees in the torrential rain (pictured) at Bobby’s Wood, Woodend (junction of Liverpool Road South and Northway), involving many other volunteers and organised by Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD) on the 8.12.20, she generously provided Christmas chocolate selection boxes to each of the children (pictured) for the brilliant work.

St Georges Primary School.(and Bumbles Nursery) had to cancel their planned afternoon visit, due to the worsening weather, but undeterred they later planted a further 20 trees in the school grounds (pictured).

The whole occasion was a magical experience reported previously at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/154530851941643/permalink/775302356531153

The children had a fantastic time and are a real credit to our local community and we are sure they will be receiving a few extra presents from Father Christmas this year when he hears of their amazing good deeds! A huge thank you to one and all.

The background to the planting. concerns the storage of 8000 small free trees (courtesy of Mersey Forest) in Maghull earlier this year, for planting between November and March. https://www.facebook.com/…/permalink/636772660384124 https://www.facebook.com/…/permalink/623664078361649

We are also hoping to add the planting to the BBC Country File postcode tree planting totaliser project. ‘Making a difference to the climate for the children and the children’s children’, as quoted from a nationwide appeal launched in the brilliant BBC Country File (6.12.20) program to plant 750,000 trees (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006t0bv) The 750,000 planting total is also symbolic because it represents every child who will be starting primary school in the UK in 2020”.

Please help make a difference together. • If you couldn’t make it previously but are interested in the future planting please either email at woodendcwp@gmail.com or contact Phil Dillon at Maghull Town Hall (01515263705)

In addition, you can also help by supporting our brand new crowdfunding website and partner charity links at: • www.justgiving.com/fundraising/woodend • https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/53065 • Cash donations at Morrisons, Dover Road: Post Office, The Chippy, The Blue Star.