The New Community Noticeboard at Woodend Is Helping to Complete Some of the Final Objectives for the Three Year Crowd Funded Woodend Community Woodland Project & Connecting Our Community.

At the height of the pandemic the Maghull community rallied behind a beautiful transformative environmental Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) project, to raise over £30,000. As part of the project, we intended buying a noticeboard three years ago, but Maghull Town Council kindly advised that they were exploring buying noticeboards for all of their 14 parks. This was following the commissioning of a report to explore how best to improve the parks and one of the many recommendations advised that the parks would benefit from increased identity and thus belongingness, with the provision of noticeboards. The aspired noticeboards were considered too costly. Consequently, following a suggestion by FOMD they emulated our planned cheaper attractive noticeboards, and obtained a healthy discount for a bulk purchase.

The noticeboard at Woodend/Bobby’s Wood was installed last week. It is an important component of our environmental project, to provide historical context, project description with expressions of gratitude, events, and requests for support and engagement. However, with the sad loss of the Champion newspaper we recommended to the council that the installation of the noticeboards throughout Maghull and the provision of a quarterly community magazine could serve an even greater community service to keep everyone connected, particularly those that aren’t connected to the online community. As without communication it is difficult to have a community.

Consequently, we would like to express our gratitude to Maghull Town Council in particular Derek Stevens (MTC Amenities Manager) and his predecessor Alex Spencer, for organising this installation and all the others throughout Maghull. Now the exciting challenge will be how we all keep these methods of communication, relevant, contemporary, inclusive, engaging, cost-effective and interesting.

Working together to make Maghull a better place to live.