Friends of Maghull and District CIC
Community Kindness2024-02-02T13:53:54+00:00

Community Kindness

This is the FOMD’s home for highlighting all the acts of community kindness that is taking place in Maghull. During the sad and challenging times of the pandemic, many heartwarming acts of community kindness were undertaken and continue to shine brightly. Consequently, we want to continue celebrating old and new acts of kindness to inspire everyone.

Please contact FOMD to share your stories, which we will endeavour to highlight on individual plaques in the rockery surrounding our newly unveiled art installation (25.11.23) named ‘CK’ (Community Kindness), with their full stories referenced in this section in perpetuity.

With immense gratitude for all your kind community support.

Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD).

Together Making Maghull a Better Place to Live.

Our Journey so far

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