This week MTC decorated your beautiful Christmas tree (pictured) which is situated outside the Meadows Leisure Centre. Thank you to MTC especially Phil Dillan (Community Services Manager) Alex Spencer and his team (Amenities Manager) and the admin team – Siobhan, Stephanie and Debbie.

Whilst the Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) have organised a giant Father Christmas and a family of reindeer to go on display at St George’s Primary School and visible by the whole community from Old Hall Lane (1). The

Father Christmas is made of two large bales of straw, for free, courtesy of Andrew (a local farmer), decorated with spray paint by Teresa Mawtus (teacher) courtesy of Maghull Town Council (MTC). Whilst the family of reindeer and post box was made and discounted by Craig (local landscape gardener) and paid for by MTC. Merry Christmas,