The Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) – Woodend Community Woodland Environmental Project at Bobby’s Wood (Maghull) has been selected as a Co-op Good Cause for the year October 2020 to 2021. FOMD is a social and environmental charity, which started in 2018 and operates in Maghull and the surrounding area and previously successfully crowdfunded the ongoing Stafford Moreton Way Wildflower Project ( and other smaller initiatives.

Following the unbelievably successful first stage 2020 crowdfunding ( at Bobby’s Wood/Woodend at the junction of Northway and Liverpool Road South, to create a safe perimeter, accessible pathway and other features, the stage two 2020/21crowdfunding is focusing on raising £5000 for community planting of the huge borders and pathway edges. We are delighted to announce that in recognition, of the health benefits of this project the NHS has recently donated £1000.

How can you help?

1) In 2019 the Coop delivered £17m to more than 4,000 local causes, thanks to their members. People can join the Co-op for £1 and choose a local cause to support in the community. When they buy selected Co-op products and services, 2p of every £1 spent goes back to the shopper. The company will give the same amount to support community organisations and local causes. Residents who want to choose ‘The Woodend Community Woodland Project’ as their good cause should visit

We applied for this wonderful funding opportunity way back in early summer and to our immense surprise we were selected to be a partner for the year. We are also incredibly grateful to Becky Wickstead (Co-op Manager) at the Deyes Lane store for her friendly advice, encouragement and support. Please help, as apart from the one-off £1 membership cost, everything else costs absolutely nothing but will help to make a fantastic difference in the local community, every time you shop.

2) Online donations and updates can be found at our brand new crowdfunding platform at where you can be amongst the first people to donate.

3) Cash donations can be made at Dover Road collection containers in the Post Office, The Chippy, The Blue Star and Morrisons
