Twelve Cherry and Crab apple blossoming trees were planted last Wednesday on Bobby’s Wood/Woodend (junction of Liverpool Road South and Northway) as part of the Friends of Maghull and District environmental charity project.

Mersey Forest (1) kindly donated two Crab apple and one Cherry tree. We also successfully applied to The Tree Council (2) in London last year for a grant for £1500 to supply a combination of nine 4 m high Cherry and Crabapple blossoming trees (3).

These trees have been situated in front of the huge rear community woodland themed border, to create a beautiful blossom avenue (pictured) eventually arching over the imminent path installation. Hopefully, this will save on our carbon footprint instead of travelling to Japan to see the April Blossom Festival!

A huge thank you to Ben Greenaway (Mersey Forest) and Geraldine Creaven (The Tree Council) for helping to make this happen. In addition, many thanks to Paul and Phil (Ashworth Hospital Gardeners) for helping to plant these huge specimens and last but not least our fantastic helpers from the neighbouring Bumbles Nursery School (pictured).

Please help us to continue the green improvements by donating for our stage 2 of 3 crowdfunding project, which in this case is focusing on populating a 50×4 rear border and additional bulbs and wildflowers around various parts of the proposed pathway, by visiting, where we have currently raised £190 towards our £3-5000 October target. Alternatively, we have collection containers at the following: Morrisons, Dover Road – Post Office, The Chippy, and The Blue Star.

Tree planting opportunity: if you would like to help plant 1200 trees in Maghull this week please contact You can spend as little or as long as you would like but any help would be really valued whilst making a massive difference to our environment.



3. Full name of tree Prunus Avium Plena (cherry), Prunus Sunset Boulevard (cherry), Prunus Accolade (cherry), Prunus Schmittee (cherry), Malus Evereste (Crabapple), Malus John Downie (Crabapple), Malus Mokum (Crabapple), Malus Rudolph (Crabapple) x 2.