Awesome Hudson Primary School has 1,480 Ways to Improve Maghull’s Environment.

Over several planting days between January and March 2022, Hudson Primary School with the support of the Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) and Mersey Forest have planted 1,480 trees in the school grounds. 800 were used for 159m perimeter wildlife friendly hedging (Hawthorne, Hazel, Rowen, Silver Birch, Common Oak) with a further 680m native species used to cover a huge mound (the length of two football pitches) of spoil from last summer’s newly created front car park. The mounds have been strategically positioned to hopefully attenuate the run off from the field which may exacerbate the flooding that the school sometimes experiences.

Hudson’s brilliant contribution has enabled FOMD to surpass its 4,500 Maghull trees target between January and March 2022, to reach 5,340 Trees. Combined with last year’s planting, our community has achieved a grand total of 14,224 trees planted to improve our environment and support climate action.

We would like to express a massive thank you to:

• Hudson Primary School’s – Niki Craddock (Headteacher), Chris Cook (Admin Team) and all the children involved. • Mersey Forest, particularly Ben Greenaway, Dr Dave Armson, Andrew Burran.

• FOMD volunteers: many of these extraordinarily kind hearted people often donate their spare time alongside full-time jobs or if they are retired they often have several other charitable works they have to accommodate, ranging from other environmental work to working in food banks etc.

The outstanding future work includes:

• Obtaining and spreading further wood chippings to act as an attractive weed suppressant and mulch.

• Secure funding for 11 large trees to be planted at the beginning of the next planting season in October 2022.

On a personal note, as a child in the 60s I attended Hudson Primary School and I was a little surprised that the whole area had hardly changed and thought that it could really benefit from some green investment, which the school was ideally placed to provide due to the length of its perimeter – bordering the community spaces. Consequently, the whole area will really benefit from the wildlife friendly hedging and trees, whilst the children will have learnt a lot and created a wonderful legacy for their own future.

If you would like to help or receive updates about some exciting plans in the pipeline for later in the year, please contact us at:

Check out the link to a map which shows all the other planting that has taken place locally over the last three months:

Best Wishes,