1.1 Natural Cotswold Style Path (230m) Installed. Following the installation of the fantastic path in March and all the significant changes we are now focusing on repairing a couple of damaged path boards, clearing debris, and re-seeding landscaped areas. We then hope to have within the next month and official opening as a means of thanking all those amazing people and organisations who have been so unbelievably helpful in bringing this path to reality.

1.2 Border Planting. Since our appeal requesting dormant woodland themed shrubs from the local community the huge cleared 50x4m rear border, we have had an unprecedented response from the community with over 200 shrubs donated to date, which we have endeavoured to plant immediately. We are now focusing on crowdfunding ( https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/woodend ) further plants for this area with a completion aim in October 2021. The second-hand plants and the old established bulbs are looking fantastic in bloom, providing a beautiful interest along the whole rear border path. We are also keeping our fingers crossed for some of the second-hand shrubs surviving the move from the kind donors. Although we are not letting any further plants until the next dormant period in October we have received some lovely offers of bluebells and are busy collecting further beautiful Lakeland rockery from another kind local donor.

1.3 Seating. Maghull Town Council have kindly agreed to provide two surplus benches that they had and have created the foundations prior to the installation in May.

2.0 Coming Up This Month. We are hoping to – officially open the path, install the benches, remove debris, re-seed the grass, and obtain some logs for informal seating and to help define an extra natural path, in May.

3.0 Update On Our Other Project at Stafford Moreton Way. On the 29.4.21 Castle Foundry brought the Rhinoceros Sculpture to explore final fixing positions with the Spacecare landscaping firm, which generated considerable intrigue and excitement from the local community during its short visit. Most of the landscaping has now been completed, so now we are arranging a time for the unveiling within the next month.

More information at: https://www.spacehive.com/stafford-moreton

Thank you very much to one and all for your amazing support.

Please Help.

The rockery on the rear border entrance is just the beginning, our aim this year is to plant up this huge 50x4m to border with Woodland themed planting, consequently we are encouraging community support via the following:

• Online donations on our new crowdfunding website (www.justgiving/crowdfunding/woodend) to plant up the remainder of the 50×4 m rear border.

• We have partnered with the Co-op as one of their charities of the year (October 2020/21). The Maghull Co-op (Deyes Lane) will ‘donate money for nothing’, if customers simply sign up to be a Co-op member and choose our ‘cause’. Then every time a customer uses their membership card the Co-op will donate to our charity. Simply visit the Co-op website at https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/53065 For further information and questions please email woodendcwp@gmail.com

Best Wishes,