The super friendly and helpful 12th Maghull Scout group joined the Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) volunteers for a second evening session last night (10.06.23) giving the Rowlands Dell green restoration project a wonderful boost. During the session they discovered an unusual array and amount of rubbish embedded in the ground from decades ago, which included scissors, knives, lump hammer, bags of litter, rubble and so many bottles if there was a refund for returns, we would be rich! They also kindly donated some newly purchased rakes for future volunteers to use.

This beautiful haven for wildlife has been treated as an open tip for decades, where every inch is revealing a variety of pollutants harmful to wildlife. We hope to remove all the debris this summer and commence a huge programme of planting and rewilding in Autumn, that will be healthy for wildlife and humans, whilst ultimately preventing building on yet another perceived neglected green space.

Weekly Achievements & Thanks (10.6.24).

North Slope: continued raking and removing debris from the last few metres of the descending north slope, resulting in more bin bags of rubbish and a new mountain of rubble debris and vegetation, with several journeys to the recycling centre.

West section has the worst neglected area for close to the surface debris, collecting more binbags of litter. Unbelievably, every inch reveals even more historic litter/debris e.g. plastic, bottles, cans, mattresses, carpets, rubble, historic bin bags of rubbish etc.

  • The amazing 12th Maghull Scout Group revisited the starting clearance point of the West section, which despite being cleared earlier there raking has revealed further litter and debris,

Overall, our one-hour sessions over the last 33 consecutive weeks have resulted in collecting 221 bin bags of litter, a huge and shameful array of polluting debris and tons of tree and wall damaging Ivy, with multiple trips to the recycling centre.

We have received some wonderful feedback and are clearly seeing the difference every time we are there.

A huge thank you once again for your generous support of our group, you really are amazing and making such a massive difference to our community at so many levels.

Pictured: The 12th Maghull Scout Group, Ian (Scout leader and FOMD Co Director), and Jill, and not pictured Meredith and Frank.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD)

Together Making Maghull a better place to live.

More information and for any last-minute changes please check ‘Events’ at:


#fomdcic #Maghull #Environment

Pictured: The 12th Maghull Scout Group, Ian (Scout leader and FOMD Co Director), and Jill, and not pictured Meredith and Frank.

West area cleared by the Scouts

The final area of the bottom of the North Slope, has proved to be really the most challenging so far, as most of the ground Ivy has not been broken up yet to access the debris beneath, and tackled by the FOMD volunteers