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Sorry for the short notice, but we noticed that the weather was half decent tomorrow and wondered if anyone could spare one hour tomorrow morning at 930 hours behind Parkbourn Square at our first project. It’s become a little overgrown since we focused on the trees and Woodend most of this year. If you can make it you will need garden gloves, secateurs small and large garden fork.

Unbelievably, we placed it on Google maps two months ago along with several – before and after pictures and Google informed us that it has received over 1000 hits already, which is amazing, so it would be nice to make it look more like the photographs again!

Many Thanks,


Together Making Maghull a better place to live.

More information about this and other projects at: www.fomd.co.uk

Contact: admin@fomd.co.uk

#fomdcic #Maghull #Environment