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On Saturday 13th we will be running a wildlife recording Bioblitz on the nature reserve with Mersey Rivers Trust and our local records centre, Merseyside Biobank. A Bioblitz is when you try and record as much wildlife as possible in 24 hours. It will be a great opportunity to have a go at citizen science and for people of all ages and abilities interested in wildlife identification to pick up some new skills. We’re running a number of bookable workshops, which are a bargain and wont ever be this cheap again.

Daytime: They include moth trapping, small mammal surveys, bird walks, invertebrate identification, wildflower identification, pond dipping and more.

Night-time: In the night we will also be running a bat walk around the site and looking out for any other nocturnal beasties too.

More information and bookings available only in the links below:

