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Can anyone help with some tree planting tomorrow morning (8.3.24) starting at 930 until 12:00. Any time you can spare would really be appreciated. We will be working in the tree enclosure at Old Hall Park, adjacent to the rear car park of the Baptist Church.

Sorry for the short notice but we didn’t expect the donation from Mersey Forest to be so quick. We asked for 215 tree whips to replace those that had been lost, but we can’t keep them alive in the bags for more than a week really.

We planted 71 trees today and removed grass from the surviving trees.

If we can complete the first of two tree enclosures by tomorrow, by planting a further 45 trees and tidying the others up, we might be able to enlist the support of the Scouts for Saturday the 16th March to address the second enclosure with some maintenance work and plant the 100 replacement trees.

Please don’t forget to bring sturdy boots, garden gloves and a spade.

Huge thanks,

Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD).