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The Friends of Maghull& District’s (FOMD) Next ‘One Hour’ Tidy up in Which Everyone Is Welcome to Help will be taking place daily at 09.30 hrs starting on Saturday 3rd June onwards until we clear the weeds from a huge beautiful border at our Woodend Community Woodland Project (Bobby’s Wood) on the junction of Liverpool Road South and Northway L31 7BG.

It’s the first time this year we have been able to weed this area as we have been waiting for the thousands of daffodils and bluebells to die down, which has given the nettles, brambles and ground elder a foothold, more than we would wish for even a woodland themed border and will give the hundreds of newly donated plants a chance to flourish!

Please bring secateurs, gloves, large and small garden forks, and confirm times at www.fomd.co.uk/events

Please spread the word and many thanks,