Making Maghull a Better Place to Live: Callout.
23 May 2023 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am
| FreeThe Friends of Maghull & District’s (FOMD) Next One Hour Tidy Up in Which Everyone Is Welcome To Help, will be on the rear service road behind Parkbourn Square, Maghull (L31 1JD), meeting at 0930 hrs on Tuesday (23.5.23). All you will need is a pair of garden gloves, large and small garden fork and a free 1 hour.
The work involves a small amount of weeding and spreading of wood chipping on a border. This small work will make an invaluable difference to our very first project which transformed a neglected grot-spot into a novel wildlife oasis. If you can’t help please tell someone who you think might be interested.
More information at: www.fomd.co.uk (events section).
Many thanks to Christine, John (groundsman) and Joan who helped last time (16.5.23) at Moss Side Cricket club (Park Lane) where we were able to complete the tree maintenance in one hour of some of our previously planted 15,000 trees.
A huge thank you to the many brilliant people who have helped with our all the one-hour initiatives since we started late last year, with visits to Stafford Moreton Way, Woodend, Hudson Primary School, Pimbley Field, Old Hall Park, Moss Side Cricket Club. We are immensely grateful and would love to see you for the last few destinations.

Thank you to Christine, John, and Joan for the last tree maintenance session at Moss side cricket club (16.5.23).

Some of the trees we worked on in the far side of the cricket pitch.
“The truth is, every one of us, no matter who we are, or where we live, can and must play a part in restoring nature.” Sir David Attenborough.
Best Wishes,
#fomdcic #environment #maghull
PS We had planned to go to Millbank Lane, but Joanne undertaken a ‘No Mow May’, and although it looks beautiful we will plan to go back after it has been cut in June, when it will be less damp and the trees will be easier to maintain.