Although it is early days for people to sort their winter gardens out for our community woodland plant appeal donations, between October 2021 and March 2022, yet again Maghull is beginning to emulate last year’s incredible appeal (3) in terms of their amazing generosity to help our local community.

The Friends of Maghull and District CIC (FOMD) are looking for woodland themed plants eg rhododendrons, hydrangeas, Azaleas, Holly, Ferns etc, to populate a huge 50×4 m border at Bobby’s Wood/Woodend (Junction of Liverpool Road South and Northway).

Our most recent additions and heartfelt gratitude involve the following: Claire (pictured with her two grandchildren) kindly donated two horse chestnut trees that her and her grandchildren fondly remember planting some years ago as a seeds.

Lynn and Kim (tree pictured) had a beautiful horse chestnut tree in the garden which they were also very fond of but was sadly outgrowing its space, so generously donated it, with visiting rites! We have previously thanked Bill and Christine (1) for their continued countless donations and Josie and Chris (2) for last week’s donations but are now donating a 4 foot oak tree. We are very grateful for all the donations and it has been a real pleasure to meet such lovely people in the process.

If you would like to:

1) Donate a woodland themed shrub or

2) Register for future Maghull climate change tree planting events where you can pick and choose any time to suit you and the family please contact us at:

3) Donate cash online, time is running out as the crowdfunding page will close on Sunday, but we hope you can help at:

Many thanks to everyone and in anticipation of your future support.


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