Our final month of stage one crowdfunding has resulted in meeting and unbelievably exceeding our £23,000 target total (Christmas has come early!), enabling us to provide ‘safety’ through the provision of a 92m wooden rail, alongside a 230m perimeter mixed wildlife friendly hedging, and a natural Cotswold path to provide ‘accessibility’ to all sections of our community. Once the area is made ‘safe and accessible’ it will act as a springboard to engage the whole community in other costed agreed proposals with any over funding or a new second crowdfunding project e.g. future proofing the current trees with new planting, several ornamental trees, populating the huge rear border, rustic welcome sign and information board, bulb and wildflower planting etc.

Crowdfunding Update.


Our funding reached 117%, although we are awaiting confirmation of the final total, as pledges are being processed currently. A huge thank you for all the wonderful online donations this month and the cash donations over the last months that we collected (29.10.20), amounting to £46, from Dover Road collection containers at the Post Office (£4), The Chippy (£2), The Blue Star (£9), Morrisons (£31) and Anonymous (£20), Vicky, Peter and Jack (£25). We are incredibly indebted to the following construction companies for helping us exceed our target: MJS Joinery Ltd pledged £500 to pay for the rustic sign being undertaken by Gorse Hill Nature Reserve. Caddick Construction pledged £2,151 to pay for a significant amount of path materials. A.E.Yates Construction pledged £1,465 to pay for path materials and trees. Nationwide Fencing for the discounted materials, free hire of the turf lifter machine.

In addition, we would also like to express our enormous thanks to Maghull Town Council (MTC) in particular Alex Spencer (MTC Amenities Manager) and his maintenance team who spent a week in February in mortal combat with the rear border weeds and brambles, supplied and fitted two MTC cheerful two yellow litter bins, re-sited the road sign, paid for the discounted information poster from ADM Signs and the promise of two recycled park benches. We would also like to express our gratitude to Rob at ADM Creative Ltd producing the signs with a considerable charitable discount. Media: the Champion newspaper has been fantastic again by publishing a small article to drum up support for the last few hundred pounds to reach our target. https://www.champnews.com/papers/pdf/SS4320.pdf#page=5

We would like to extend our best wishes to the Champion newspaper team, particularly over the next uncertain month when they will be unable to publish again during this period, although they will still have an online presence. Over the Next Month (November) we will be: (1) discovering our funding total for this stage of the crowd funding, and reveal three more amazing funding options, (2) focus on the installation of the perimeter rail and path installation, and (3) prepare for the future tree planting.

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to you all for making the impossible possible. Pictured: Diane, James, Dave, Marion, Paula, Ian, Alex, Harrison, Ivy, Rubin, Jess.

PS. Again, well done to the Sefton Grot Spot volunteers who kindly agreed to undertook some incredibly hard work to start making the Dell (between the Hare & Hounds pub) and the Medical Centre safer and more accessible. https://www.facebook.com/groups/154530851941643/pe